so when I was a worker for the simpsons my boss said "hey dude i made a new episode wanna watch it" and i said "ok" he said "itz called bumbum town" i said "rofl" he said "just watch it" so i did. there was no intro. i yelled "hey there no intro!!!" he said "poops" i said "poops? lol" he said "watch it for crying out fart" i giggled and watched the episode. had barely anything to do with bumbum town, just lisa missing a saxophone so having to go to bumbum town to do a saxophone lesson, but bumbum town or the lesson wasn't even shown. and it was 5 minutes long. oops. i lied before. it had heaps to do with bumbum town. at the last 35 seconds, homer was flying through space and saying bumbumbumbum. on the last 15 there was a butt with a town on it! "i dont wanna watch it AGAIN" i said to my boss and he fired me dont worry its ok i got a new job at the supermarket!!!